Our Journey Begins...

Welcome to MillersAdopt.com! We are Andrew and Elizabeth Miller, and we are ridiculously excited to share our journey through domestic infant adoption. 

So, what exactly is going on here? Well, this website was created with at least three objectives in mind: 

  1. To share our story with expectant parents in the process of making an adoption plan. 
  2. To update family, friends and colleagues who are interested in our journey to parenthood.
  3. To shed a little light on what this process is like for those who may be considering or are just curious. 

Since we officially began this journey last summer, we have learned that every adoptive parent arrives at this process with their own unique story. If you would like to learn more about ours, we encourage you to check out the About Us page.

As for this website, we intend to post on a weekly basis anything from updates about our process to general news about adoption to what it's like to wait for only the most important moment in our lives to come. 

That's all for now! 
